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family baking cupcakes with an ADT monitor on the counter.
September 27, 2021

Ways to Minimize False Alarms from Hartford Home Security Systems

False alarms have the potential to be an issue for your security system. False alarms can be concerning from a financial standpoint and cause your insurance rates to increase, but there’s no need for it to be that way! You are able to reduce false alarms from your Hartford home security system by ensuring each member of your family is educated on using it. Best practices like sending text alerts to your mobile device when alarms are tripped, integrating home automation, and selecting a home security installer that offers around-the-clock monitoring will keep first responders from visiting your house as a result of a false alarm.

Instruct Occupants On Your Home Security System

In the event you have adolescents present, ensure they know how to use the security features and they understand it's a critical element of your overall safety. If you keep pets in the house, be sure to show them what will occur in the event the alarm goes off - many security systems emit a loud warning signal out of integrated speakers or other devices when your alarm is set off.Train your pets not to be scared.

Get Mobile Alerts So You Are Able To Assess If It’s A False Alarm

A mobile alert won't stop a Hartford false security alarm, but it can keep emergency professionals from coming out. Smart systems like packages from ADT can transmit updates directly to your mobile device from the connected security app when a system component is activated. It's beneficial when you're away from home to be notified right away when an alarm sounds. If you have security cameras, you can view the footage and tell your alarm system if there’s anything to worry about.

Automation Is A Smart Choice To Deactivate Your Property’s Security

Utilizing home automation with your property’s defense is a smart choice to prevent false alarms. The most common cause of false alarms in Hartford is due to the fact that your home defense is mistakenly still engaged when you're home. Go through one of your home’s entry points, and a warning sounds. But you can disarm your system at specific times of the day, like when your kids come home in the afternoon. If incorporating an automated component like a smart lock, you might even instruct your sensors to disengage anytime the lock is engaged with your code.

Rely On 24-hour Monitoring For False Alarm Support

A proven practice to minimize false alarms is by using a home alarm company that provides 24-hour monitoring in Hartford. These dedicated professionals will check out your activated alarms if they notice a normal level of activity at your residence. Then, they can contact you to confirm it isn’t a false alarm. If you do in fact have a false alarm, they will remotely reset your system. If it does seem like you have an unwanted guest, your monitoring specialist will contact local authorities.

Install An ADT Alarm System To Cut Down On False Security Alarms In Hartford

It’s smart to note that a home security system won’t completely stop criminal activity, but it will help ensure your family’s safety and better secure your property. And ADT has home automation and around-the-clock monitoring that will reduce the frequency of false alarms. Phone (860) 288-4370 or submit our contact form below and one of our property protection experts will assist you in creating your ideal residential security package.